NEA inculcates correct attitudes on September 11 attacks

The National Education Association is helping “educate” public school children about the events of Sept. 11, reports David Limbaugh. In materials and lesson plans offered at a web site, the NEA counsels teachers not to suggest that any group is responsible for the terrorist hijackings, but instead to discuss historical instances of American intolerance, so that the American public avoids ‘repeating terrible mistakes.’ In one guide to help teachers and parents talk to children, the NEA writes: “We are all responsible for dealing with feelings of anger without harming others. If we want to oppose what the perpetrators did, one way to respond is to take steps to resolve conflicts peaceably rather than engage in acts of retaliation.” In the FAQ section of the site under the question: “How can schools be most effective in teaching tolerance and preventing prejudice from forming in light of the ongoing news coverage and images?”, the profferred answer that there is “a big need for materials that help explain terrorists’ motivations.”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 23, 2002 01:59 PM | Send

I still think the NEA ought to link up with those who want to apply non-violent conflict resolution techniques to disputes between humans and Canada geese. (See .) After all, it’s all the same struggle.

Posted by: Jim Kalb on August 23, 2002 6:09 PM
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