Nancy Lanza was weird, too

According to the Daily Mail, Adam Lanza’s mother was some kind of survivalist who never let friends into her house. After her divorce from her husband in 2008, the $200,000 per year she received in the settlement made it unnecessary for her to work. Meanwhile, Adam never did anything after high school—no job, no education, no social life. Ryan Lanza, Adam’s 24-year-old brother, had not seen Adam—or, apparently, their mother—since 2010, and the father apparently had no relationship with Adam after the divorce. So the two of them, mother and son, were living together alone in this house stewing in their own private weirdness (the mother) and madness (the son), until the son’s madness erupted.

I don’t know if the Daily Mail’s reporting can be relied on (consider all the false facts that have been reported on this story), but the article was interesting and I’ve summarized it for what it’s worth.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 16, 2012 11:50 PM | Send

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