The West, without remorse, continues to allow its females to be raped by Muslims

From (with video), we learn that members of the right-wing Golden Dawn party (and it appears that they really are right-wing, not American-style “right-wingers” who believe in nothing but “freedom”), invaded a ferry carrying a 19 year old Pakistani accused of raping a Greek girl. At Gates of Vienna (with video), we learn of five Muslim immigrants who drugged and group-raped a woman in Colorado. However, the story, from KKTV, does not describe the crime as “rape,” but as an unprecedentedly horrible sexual assault.

Now mention these stories to your average American conservative or liberal. His eyes will take on the fixed, glazed, unreachable look of an old-time pro-Soviet Union Communist, he will repeat that we believe in “freedom.” The fact that the freedom he believes in includes the freedom of alien savages to enter Western countries and rape their women will make no impression on him.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 17, 2012 10:27 AM | Send

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