The New York Times’ uniquely affected way of making the world unintelligible

Here is the first paragraph of Tim Rohan’s story in today’s Times about Mets pitcher Johan Santana’s no-hitter against the St. Louis Cardinals:

What stood between the Mets and the first no-hitter in their 51-season history was a matter of inches, Carlos Beltran and one deceiving baseball. Johan Santana was supposed to have a pitch count, but his left shoulder was not supposed to be this healthy, and for how well he danced with fate all night, it would not have mattered how many pitches he threw.

The affectation appeals to the Times’ metrosexual/homosexual contingent; the deliberate unintelligibility appeals to its postmodern contingent. Of course these contingents massively overlap.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 02, 2012 08:50 AM | Send

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