Lowry: quick to condemn Zimmerman the victim of PC without facts, and equally quick to expel non-PC writers with facts

Rhona N. writes:

And what about Rich Lowry? Here is a person who supported Al Sharpton’s version of the event from the beginning. No fact checking. No withholding of judgement until the truth was more clearly ascertained. He has not reviewed the new facts that have come out nor questioned his initial reactions.

At the same time, he was quick to throw John Derbyshire under the bus and expel Robert Weissberg for being factual and honest. Are these our leaders? How pathetic and repulsive.

By the way, can newspapers, including the NY Post, stop printing pictures of Trayvon Martin when he was 11 years old?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 13, 2012 12:26 PM | Send

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