Is the Trayvon America-is-racist campaign continuing?

Matt writes:

I don’t generally watch television, but at the gym there is an unavoidable wall of televisions with the sound off. I’ve recently seen several “new” photos of Trayvon at age 13: one where he is at a ski slope, looking like an all-American kid. I’ve seen only the old mug shot of Zimmerman, and no recent photos of the NO LIMIT NIGGA.

It seems to me, from a visual survey of the TV wall, that the MSM is doubling down on the whitey-lynchmob narrative.

LA replies:

The TV stations, being the part of the media that is least geared to words, facts, and thought, may be the last to get the message that the official story has been discredited.

- end of initial entry -

Jewel A. writes:

You are indeed right when you say, “The TV stations, being the part of the media that is least geared to words, facts, and thought, may be the last to get the message that the official story has been discredited”.

I witnessed this briefly when I watched Shepard Smith describe the killing of Martin as the murder of “a little boy”…..this after we have learned of his tweets. Not a peep from Shep on those, nor of his facebook photos, and not a single word about the eyewitnesses, either. In Shepworld, the narrative is reality. White=Guilty. [LA replies: Smith is wholly vicious.]

I also wanted to say that your ongoing debate about nature and the narcissist is one of the most elevating debates I’ve ever read. A tribute to you and your readers.

LA replies:

I’ve had very little to do with it, except for editing it. :-)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 29, 2012 02:28 PM | Send

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