The Party of the Big Lie

Timothy Carney at the Washington Examiner quotes Sen. Schumer on the birth control mandate controversy:

This whole debate is an anachronism. Our country progressed beyond the issue of whether or not to allow birth control a long time ago. Yet here we are in 2012, and the Republican Party suddenly wants to turn back the clock and take away contraception from women. Make no mistake: that’s what this debate is about.

This degree of lying goes beyond the sin of lying. It is lying so gross and egregious that it shows a criminal-type mind at work. But haven’t I always said that the Democrats are a criminal party?

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March 7

Irv P. writes:

Please don’t quote Schumer on VFR. I’m trying to be a good Christian. I’m trying not to re-kindle those baser impulses I have. Chuck is a maggot who is deserving of the fate of a maggot. But there I go again. Help me Larry, help me!

James P. writes:

“Make no mistake” is a hackneyed phrase that Obama often uses, which makes me wonder if the White House has passed out talking points for creatures like Schumer to repeat.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 06, 2012 09:49 PM | Send

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