What a strange coincidence

On the very day that the most world’s most innovative and famous developer of personal computers and other personal electronic devices, whose company headquarters is located in Cupertino, California, passed away, eight men were shot and three killed in a Cupertino cement plant by an enraged employee. I’m not calling this coincidence synchronicity, because synchronicity means “the experience of two or more events, that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, that are observed to occur together in a meaningful manner,” and I see nothing meaningful in the simultaneous occurrence of these two events. It is nonetheless exceedingly odd and striking. It is suggestive of something, but of what, I don’t know.

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Kathlene M. writes:

My husband remarked yesterday, at the end of the day when we found out Steve Jobs had died, that “This has been a weird, momentous day.”

What added to the strangeness of yesterday were the unusual thunder storms we had rolling through the San Francisco Bay Area. These storms were much earlier than usual for the season, and LOUD. Ear-splitting thunderclaps would suddenly boom out of nowhere, and startle people working peacefully at school or their offices. Then a five-minute deluge of rain would pound the streets, followed by an eerie calm, only to be broken later by more booming thunderclaps and rain, then calm. During all this there was a manhunt happening in Silicon Valley for a gunman, and schools in Cupertino and nearby areas were closed while parents were scrambling to make sure their kids were safe. The tumultuous day ended with the sad news of the death of Steve Jobs, an icon who symbolized Silicon Valley’s early spirit of innovation. A feeling of a larger loss was definitely in the air. And now today all I can think of are the scenes in Macbeth where the country falls apart.

October 7

Leonard K. writes:

More coincidences.

I went to Google news and read this:

Officers gun down murder suspect in Calif. woods

Allman said Bassler didn’t fire a shot, and there was no verbal exchange between the parties. The suspect raised his weapon—which was loaded and not on …

I thought: wait a minute, why in “Calif. woods”? Allman was killed in a residential street in Sunnyvale! And how come “Allman said Bassler didn’t fire a shot”—Allman couldn’t say anything *after the shots* because he was dead! And who the hell is Bassler?

Turns out that it was a different murder suspect, but this time Allman was the name of the Mendocino County Sheriff!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 06, 2011 05:41 PM | Send

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