Gang of 30 “teens” storm onto Atlanta commuter train, assault passengers

The train came to a stop, the gang of 30 invaded it and began beating people. They singled out two airline employees, one of whom they hit repeatedly in the face. Then the “teens” left the train. The media has of course remained silent as to the racial nature of the attack.
“There was blood everywhere, people were hollering and screaming,” a witness told Channel 2 Action News. “We were intimidated. People were terrified. People were trying to run. But there was nowhere to run.”

Flight attendant Parker Stanea, 28, told officers a diminutive black male, no taller than 5’4”, emerged from the pack of teens to hit him over the left eye with a soda can. Stanea was pushed to the ground by the other youths and his wallet, stolen.

His friend, Jose Souza, said he was assaulted by the same suspect, according to the MARTA [Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Agency] police incident report. The pink-clad teen punched him in the lip [another part of the article said that he had been punched repeatedly in the face; this passage reduces the punches to one], the 24-year-old Delta employee said, but before they could take anything two unidentified male passengers intervened.

Stuff Black People Don’t Like has full coverage and commentary.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 22, 2011 06:21 PM | Send

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