Amsterdam court will resume Wilders trial

This from De Telegraaf newspaper in the Netherlands, via GoV:

The Court will resume the Wilders trial immediately

AMSTERDAM—The Amsterdam court wants resume on short notice the trial against PVV leader Geert Wilders. So reports the court today on their website. Also the court announces the names of the presiding judges.

GoV has more. However, I still don’t believe that it will happen, for the same reasons I’ve stated before. As you will remember, previously the prosecutors had said that they didn’t think the trial should go forward, and the judges, who consistently exhibited an open bias against Wilders, overruled the prosecutors and continued the case. But those judges have now been removed from the case, while the prosecutors, who think the case should be stopped, are presumably still on the case. How then can the trial continue?

We will see.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 11, 2010 10:23 AM | Send

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