How the Democrats keep thinking happy thoughts

David Brooks today on the Democrats’ denial of reality:

Over the past year, many Democrats have resolutely paid attention to those things that make them feel good, and they have carefully filtered out those negative things that make them feel sad.

For example, Democrats and their media enablers have paid lavish attention to Christine O’Donnell and Carl Paladino, even though these two Republican candidates have almost no chance of winning. That’s because it feels so delicious to feel superior to opponents you consider to be feeble-minded wackos.

On the other hand, Democrats and their enablers have paid no attention to Republicans like Rob Portman, Dan Coats, John Boozman and Roy Blunt, who are likely to actually get elected. It doesn’t feel good when your opponents are experienced people who simply have different points of view. The existence of these impressive opponents introduces tension into the chi of your self-esteem.

However, speaking of unreal self-esteem, look at the new photo of Brooks accompanying his NYT column: he’s weirder looking than ever.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 26, 2010 10:26 AM | Send

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