In memory of the men of United Flight 93

The men of Flight 93 went forward without uniforms, without orders. They succeeded. And they died. As did eight of the first 70 Americans to take up arms to protect our liberties, in the first exchange of fire at the Lexington green on April 19, 1775. Without uniforms. Yet surely they all earned their medals and their flags, that day.
Las Vegas Review-Journal, editorial, May 31, 2010

Comments—June 1

James N. writes:

I have often thought of George W. Bush’s many mistakes that he made in the 30 days after 9/11, and I have compared them with FDR’s 30 days after Pearl Harbor. I made a study of FDR’s executive orders in the first thirty days—this was clearly a leader who had a concept of what he wanted to accomplish, and how to do it. By January 6, 1942, the United States was transformed from a nation at peace into something entirely different.

Apart from not asking Congress for a Declaration of War in his speech on September 20, I think Bush’s worst mistake was not issuing posthumous commissions in the unorganized Militia of the United States to Todd Beamer and the others, so that they could be awarded the Medal of Honor.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 31, 2010 11:39 PM | Send

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