Whacky Dan Rather makes funny and very un-P.C. comment about Obama

Geoffrey Dickens at Newsbusters quotes Dan Rather on Chris Matthews’s show this past weekend (and also links the audio):

DAN RATHER: Part of the undertow in the coming election is going to be President Obama’s leadership. And the Republicans will make a case and a lot of independents will buy this argument. “Listen he just hasn’t been, look at the health care bill. It was his number one priority. It took him forever to get it through and he had to compromise it to death.” And a version of, “Listen he’s a nice person, he’s very articulate,” this is what’s been used against him, “but he couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.”

It’s funny not because it’s “racist”—Obama obviously has nothing to do with Old South stereotypes (except insofar as he puts on a transparently fake black Southern accent from time to time)—but because it’s true. The man is an incredible turn-off. Like a robot turned permanently to “Haranguing Dictator mode,” he keeps repeating, day after day, month after month, “Now is the time to act, “We must move forward now,” “We’ve waited long enough,” “The time to debate is over,” “It’s time to stop talking and starting acting,” “It’s time to make a decision.” Long after we, the American people, justifiably repelled and frightened by what he wants to do to us, have rejected his health care scheme by which we all become the slaves of a monstrous bureaucracy that will impoverish us individually and bankrupt the country, he keeps yammering into our ears that we must enact it, now. The more we reject him, the more he keeps going after us.

So, yes, this guy couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic. He makes normal people want to run from him.

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Jim C. writes:

“So, yes, this guy couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic. He makes normal people want to run from him.”

Well said—the principal reason Bambi infuriates me is his narcissism combined with his lack of talent.

Charles T. writes:

You wrote:

The man is an incredible turn-off. Like a robot turned permanently to “Haranguing Dictator mode,” he keeps repeating, day after day, month after month, “Now is the time to act, “We must move forward now,” “We’ve waited long enough,” “The time to debate is over,” “It’s time to stop talking and starting acting,” “It’s time to make a decision.”

Yes he is a turn off and you capture the phrases he uses perfectly. Couple those phrases with the visuals of his continual finger pointing and gesturing and the man comes across as quite unlikable.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 09, 2010 09:57 AM | Send

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