Winter Wilding comes to Philadelphia

Richard W. writes:

Ah, the glorious cycle of the seasons!

Just as, in the world of sports, we go from baseball, to football, to downhill skiing, so too in the world of urban thuggery we go from disrupting park gatherings and picknickers, to subway beatings, to flash mob snowball fights leading to store invasions.

Drudge carries the report of a “flash mob” organized by cell phone text messages linking up to create chaos inside a local Macy’s. Many participants hail from Simon Gratz High School, whose pep squad is pictured here.

Just fun loving kids blowing off steam in the urban environment, I guess. In keeping with the time-honored custom of such steam-lettings, group beatings and repeated kicking of the head of a restrained or unconscious rival are the most anticipated events. The report states:

“A 16-year-old girl was arrested for allegedly kicking a 15-year-old boy in the face as other teens held him down outside the store. The 15-year-old is listed in stable condition at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.”

The medal count stands at: Philly Teen Thugs 14 (arrests), 1 (hospitalized). Detroit, Gary, Newark and Cleveland are sure to challenge. Due to climate the greater Los Angeles area, usually a leader in gang crime, does not compete in the Winter Thug events.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 19, 2010 11:44 AM | Send

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