Girls, boys, and school

A while back at VFR I wrote :

People are shaped by their society, their schools, to be a certain way. Young men today are shaped to be shapeless, demoralized sacks, and young women today are shaped to be self-assured, self-esteeming goddesses. The women are proud, the men are recessive. This is a deliberate product of the ideology that rules our society.

At The Thinking Housewife, a commenter tells Laura Wood about her daughter, who is very successful and constantly praised in school, and about her son, who is increasingly discouraged and discounted, and asks for Laura’s advice. It makes for gripping reading about a fundamental—but totally unacknowledged—crisis of our society. It is unacknowledged because it has been caused by our society’s reigning belief system, egalitarianism.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 02, 2010 11:04 AM | Send

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