Over-eager Republicans are missing the big picture

Writing at the Corner on December 22, Andrew McCarthy expresses agreement with the theory that

on health care and all it entails, “The Dems are thinking strategically; the Republicans are all tactics.” For my money, I think the theory is being borne out: Democrats have their eyes on a different end-game than our guys do: namely, the establishment of permanent, European-style socialism in the U.S. Our guys are focused on converting Obama radicalism into big-time electoral success in the next election cycle. The Dems have already factored in that likelihood and are betting—over the long haul—that even if the GOP cuts deeply into Dem majorities or takes over Congress (and even takes over the White House in 2012), Republicans will lack the commitment (and perhaps the numbers) to roll back what the Left is accomplishing now.

That is, our guys are focused myopically on a battle the Democrats have already figured they can afford to lose. The real battle is: What do you do when you get back in power? Do you have a plan for how to undo what is being done? Do you frame the coming elections in a way that converts victory into a mandate not only to stop what Obama is doing but to undo what he has done?

I’m hearing a lot from our side about making big gains in the upcoming elections. That’s not strategy or victory. You have to have a plan for what those gains would translate into. Democrats, by contrast, have a real plan for how what they’re doing today will sustain Big Government, and themselves, over the long term, regardless of occasional electoral losses.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 26, 2009 01:40 AM | Send

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