How Huckabee harms Christianity

Charles T. writes:

I mentioned in an earlier post that Huckabee’s devotion to false Christianity and his false notions of forgiveness and justice would hurt authentic Christianity. This is proving to be true. Read the comments at concerning the murder of the four police officers in Washington state. It is the first article on today’s page.

Strangely enough I agree with most of the commenters, as long as the comments are directed at liberal evangelical Christianity. Unfortunately, though, all Christians are going to be tainted with the smell of Huckabee. On other occasions I—and others—have entered the discussions on different sites and attempted to point out that the scriptures do not support liberal Christianity. Many times it is to no avail.

Like it or not, all Christians are going to be associated with: (1) politicians like Huckabee who cannot distinguish between the redemption of our souls and the concept of temporal punishment for crimes committed here on Earth, (2) liberal Christians who are pushing for open borders, and (3) liberal Christians pushing for higher taxes and socialized medicine; etc.

Also, these people are right to be extremely angry; however, I hope they will be able to learn that it is liberal evangelicals posing as Christians who are their enemy. Traditionalist Christians are their allies.

Huckabee is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The longer we get to know about this man, the more I suspect he is an impostor in the Christian faith.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 01, 2009 04:47 PM | Send

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