Get ready for … liberal heaven on earth

The lead of “The Obamas’ Marriage,” Jodi Kantor, NYT, 11-1-09:

Another Washington dusk, another motorcade, another intimate evening played out in public view. On Oct. 3, just a day after their failed Olympics bid in Copenhagen, Barack and Michelle Obama slipped into a Georgetown restaurant for one of their now-familiar date nights: this time, to toast their 17th wedding anniversary. As with their previous outings, even the dark photographs taken by passers-by and posted on the Web looked glamorous: the president tieless, in a suit; the first lady in a backless sheath.

A response from

Drivel. I was alive in the Kennedy years of Camelot and I can’t remember there being such puff pieces about their marriage. Alot about Jackie and her clothes but nothing like this. I wonder if we are going to find out that he to is having guests in the Whitehouse. Probably not I bet Michele can whip him with one arm tied behind her back. That woman looks plumb junk yard dog tough. I feel his pain but this kind of puff journalism is beyond belief.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 03, 2009 09:26 AM | Send

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