And this is the same government that we think is competent to control medical care

When the Bernard Madoff story broke last year, I expressed my astonishment that he could have gotten away with such a scheme for so long. Now it turns out that he felt the same way. He has told interviewers that his fraud would have been very easy for the SEC to discover, and that he was astonished on several occasions when they failed to discover it.

Despite what Mr. Madoff described as the chronic ineptitude of the S.E.C., he said in the interview that he was “worried every time” examiners showed up.

“That was the nightmare I lived with,” he said, and he told Mr. Kotz he had wanted it to end. “I wish they caught me six years ago, eight years ago.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 31, 2009 01:59 PM | Send

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