Hannity blasts Obama for having a pastor who is critical of Islam

MG writes:

I never watch or listen to Sean Hannity, listening to his blabbering is like eating a cardboard sandwich for me.

However, by chance I caught a few minutes of his October 15 Fox News TV show. Hannity talked about a Navy chaplain at Camp David, Corey Cash. Obama has still not selected a church to attend in DC and occasionally attends services at Camp David, hence Cash currently is Obama’s pastor. Hannity brought up Cash’s views on Islam, as reported in the London Times.

In a 2004 book describing his deployment to Iraq the year before, Cash calls Islam violent, a faith that “from its very birth has used the edge of the sword as a means to convert or conquer those with different religious convictions.” Hannity cites this Cash statement and proceeds to bash the Obama administration for having another controversial pastor, a la pastor Wright. As is his habit, Hannity did not bother arguing against Cash’s points. I suppose that for Hannity’s listeners it is obvious that Cash statement on Islam is … leftist? Anti-American? Not being a Hannity listener I’m at a loss here.

Again, perhaps Hannity is a consistent Islam apologist, and so it is consistent for him to criticize Obama for having a pastor with a non-PC view of Islam. Or Hannity is such a stupid Republican apparatchik, he will find a way to badmouth Obama for the color of his socks.

To think that that moron has the second most popular radio and TV shows, it is depressing.

LA replies:

You wrote:

“Or Hannity is such a stupid Republican apparatchik, he will find a way to badmouth Obama for the color of his socks.”

As I said in January ‘08 about a Michelle Malkin hate column on Hillary Clinton following Hillary’s comeback win in the New Hampshire primary, “If Hillary brushed her teeth, Malkin would say how this shows what a vile phony she is.”

October 17

Terry Morris writes:

MG wrote:

Again, perhaps Hannity is a consistent Islam apologist, and so it is consistent for him to criticize Obama for having a pastor with a non-PC view of Islam. Or Hannity is such a stupid Republican apparatchik, he will find a way to badmouth Obama for the color of his socks.

It’s some of both I think. Hannity is a big believer in the “Islam is a great religion of peace hijacked by a few radicals’ school of thought. So I can see where he’d take issue with Cash’s perspective on Islam. Second, Hannity hates Obama, and is constantly looking for ways to denigrate him. I saw an episode of Hannity and Colmes following the November elections last year in which there was a segment pertaining to the runoff election for a Congressional seat in Georgia. Even though the Republican was, by all accounts, going to win the runoff in a virtual landslide (and did, at length), Hannity lambasted Obama, calling him a coward for not campaigning for the Democrat. Now, I despise what Hussein Obama is all about too, but even I can see the futility (and stupidity) of wasting political capitol on a no-win situation. Hussein Obama may well be a coward, but that particular decision was certainly not an example of it. Had he campaigned for the Democrat, the Republican still would have won the runoff by a large margin, and Hannity would have dedicated the next six shows to the stupidity of Obama’s campaigning in a lost cause, and/or his failure to turn the tide of the election as a result.

(By the way, I read somewhere that Corey Cash is the nephew of Johnny Cash.)

Hannon writes:

I read all 44 posted comments in the London Times story and noted the “recommended” marks that each received. My impression was that a minority of those cheered on were anti-Christian or anti-religion, a large middle group was rather relativistic about the subject and probably a majority were sympathetic or supportive of Christianity generally.

Most heartening, however, was this comment, which by far received more positive votes than any other:

Graeme Gibson wrote: The Times ought to do her duty to the UK and write a “vision of the future” regarding the subtle spread of Islam through UK streets. England has a huge amount to lose … a glorious, wonderful heritage that goes all of the way back to Alfred the Great. I cant stand to think of England “gone.”

October 15, 2009 4:53 AM BST RECOMMEND? (151)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 16, 2009 06:30 AM | Send

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