A prediction of the anti-Obama conservative uprising, made six years ago

I said in a comment in September 2003:

As long as a “conservative” is in the White House, the brain-dead, rah-rah conservatives will support him no matter how liberal he is. Therefore the only way to revive conservatism in this country is to have the openly evil, anti-American leftists running the government.

Here’s the whole comment:

I didn’t vote for Bush in 2000, but still favored him over Gore. But now I actively hope that Bush loses, and I say that even though the Democrats are evil crazy anti-American leftists who will do untold harm if they win. I hope Bush loses because, first, he deserves to lose as a result of his innumerable betrayals of fundamental principles, most importantly his endorsement of race preferences; and secondly, because it represents the only hope of reviving some kind of national conservative opposition to the left. Bush has completed the liberalization of the Republican party, and even to a large extent of the conservative movement itself. As long as a “conservative” is in the White House, the brain-dead, rah-rah conservatives will support him no matter how liberal he is. Therefore the only way to revive conservatism in this country is to have the openly evil, anti-American leftists running the government.

What this would mean for the war on terror and our national security is too awful to contemplate, but we CANNOT continue allowing our culture to be destroyed because, as John Podhoretz puts it, no other issues matter besides the war on terrorism.

He wrote recently that the culture war died on 9/11, and “good riddance.” And that reflects generally how neocons and mainstream conservatives think. We cannot continue down that road.

Posted by: Lawrence Auster on September 17, 2003 1:00 PM

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 26, 2009 08:50 AM | Send

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