Hispanics: a bloc that seeks power for itself and expresses hostility to America

Does the title of this entry draw too broad a conclusion from the statements of one Hispanic columnist and one Hispanic cab driver who are quoted by Jonathan W.? The answer would be yes—if these two were the only Hispanics who spoke that way. But they are not. The way they speak is typical of Hispanic writers, politicians, and activists, of ordinary Hispanics like the cabdriver, and of political leaders and intellectuals in immigrant-sending Hispanic countries, particularly Mexico. Hispanics as a group are acting in a way that no other U.S. immigrant group has ever acted, except (with the appropriate differences added) Muslims. They openly declare themselves to be outside the American common society, and they use the clout and threat of their expanding numbers to announce their political power over it, mainly, as we see in Maria Hinojosa’s article, by promising political extinction to anyone who doesn’t dance to their tune.

Jonathan W. writes:

This article, by Maria Hinojosa at CNN [see VFR’s copy of the article here], while very offensive, is fairly typical of what we read from Hispanic columnists. Hinojosa writes:

It’s just not that complicated. Look at the changing demographics in the United States. Then think about what happens when you vote against the first Latina Supreme Court nominee.

Here she is employing a tactic you expose frequently. She refers to the “changing demographics” as if they are occurring naturally, and not as a result of America’s own immigration policies starting with the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act.

Maybe McCain isn’t wise enough to see that reality, so I will tell him a story about a Dominican-born, U.S. citizen cabby from my Harlem neighborhood.

While he drove down Broadway, I asked the cabby if he thought that President Obama was pandering to the Latino communities across the country with the Sotomayor nomination.

Pero muchacha!” he exclaimed in a true Dominican style. “He is not pandering. He owes us! Everyone knows now that without the Latino vote, you cannot win the presidency. He has to deliver, politically. I am a new citizen, and I voted for Obama my first time. Just like a bunch of us Dominican cabbies. Now this is my country and my politics.”

He is mocking us here, by blatantly boasting that Hispanics vote as a bloc, and that there is nothing we can do about it. No politician should owe favors to any racial group. If a group is that tribal and obsessed with its group identity to the detriment of the United States, that group does not belong here in any significant numbers.

“And is that the way you guys talk amongst yourselves? That the Latino vote is that powerful?”

“Yep, asi lo vemos. That’s how we see it! But even though we love Sonia, Obama still owes us.”

And what must Obama deliver to satisfy this very politically astute cabby?

Imigracion! He must solve this immigration problem. Families are divided up. It is unjust. So Obama must understand that is what we want him to deliver now.”

This man is typical of U.S. Hispanics. He is not loyal to the United States at all. To him, bringing tens of millions of his countrymen to America is paramount. A loyal American does not sacrifice the well being of the country to satisfy his group ego. A group that bases its sense of worth in their tribe will never identify as Americans. This man does not belong in the United States. Hinojosa continues:

A wise Latino with some wise advice for the president. And for McCain and the Republican Party?

Buena suerte, winning the next elections!

“Buena suerte” means “Good luck.” The author is mocking us. She is loudly proclaiming that we are doomed, because there are enough Hispanics in this country to bloc-vote and exert influence as such. They can make whatever demands they want, from mass immigration to further wealth redistribution, and anyone who opposes these cannot be elected. If articles like this do not wake the average white American up, I don’t know what will. Even if you are a liberal, and support liberal economic policies, like socialized medicine and powerful trade unions, the mentality exhibited by the author and the quoted cab driver should worry you. Such a liberal should want Americans to decide such policy, and not have it forced upon us by third world unassimilable aliens.

She is basically correct that if the U.S. continues down its current trajectory, conservatives will never again be elected. Any neocon who convinces himself that Hispanics are Republicans waiting to happen due to their “strong family values” and “devout Catholicism” is deluding himself. The question is, will the average white man who will be dispossessed rise up, or will he sit by and wait until this country is a Mestizo nation?

- end of initial entry -

Kilroy M. writes from Australia:

Jonathan W. asks: “If articles like this do not wake the average white American up, I don’t know what will.” Well, I’m afraid nothing ever will. The periodic spates of civil war in the outskirts of Paris have done nothing to wake the French up. The London Tube Bombings in 2005 did nothing to wake the Brits up. The Bali bombings did nothing to wake the Aussies up. Only the Spanish were woken up by their Madrid train bombings: they voted socialist (actual socialists).

What makes us think that an article will wake up anybody? Hardly anybody reads anymore anyway, just look at the schools. Liberalism has not only placed the seeds of idiocy into the minds of adults, it has also stunted any hope of the youth from being able to think for themselves. Us, we are a radical minority of those that slipped through.

Feminists and sodomites in Western Europe just can’t bring themselves to think that perhaps their present freedom is inherently dependant on Christian tolerance (not to be confused with disapproval), so they continue their assault on tradition while celebrating the mass influx of oh-so-homo-tolerant Mohammedans, who so “enrich” the nations that liberals don’t seem to think have a right to exist as sovereign cultures. This attitudes permeates all Western nations and I gather also reflects your immigration debates re Mexicans.

Michael S. writes:

Jonathan W. writes:

Any neocon who convinces himself that Hispanics are Republicans waiting to happen due to their “strong family values” and “devout Catholicism” is deluding himself.

Indeed. This idea that Hispanic immigrants are necessarily “devout Catholics” is an irrelevant myth.

As a Catholic, I am not the least bit moved by the questionable claim that all these Hispanic immigrants are “devout Catholics.” Yes, those countries are historically Catholic, but why should we suppose that most illegal immigrants from these countries are devout? Indeed, Pentecostalism is on the rise among Hispanics (fits better with their “robust emotionality,” apparently).

And even if they were all devout Catholics, so what? So the number of Catholics living in this country goes up, while the number of Catholics living elsewhere goes down. Big deal. The presence of a large numbers of non-assimilating Hispanic Catholics in this country does nothing for the Church. Therefore, as a Catholic, I am not persuaded to support an open-borders policy.

Neither am I persuaded as an American of Irish immigrant ancestry. The fact my ancestors weren’t already living here before 1492 does not oblige me to support an open-borders policy. My ancestors spoke English before they got here, but if they hadn’t, they would have learned it, like my wife’s Italian grandparents did. They didn’t come here with the attitude that “America owes them.” They came here with the attitude that their hard work would give them a better life than they would have had in Ireland (or Sicily). And so they came, worked hard, raised families, and became Americans.

Anyone who wants to come here and do anything other than that should just stay away. Because otherwise, they will destroy the very thing that attracts them. And that would be rather counter-productive, wouldn’t it? But perhaps building good things isn’t the point.

Gintas writes:

Kilroy M of Australia says,

Jonathan W. asks: “If articles like this do not wake the average white American up, I don’t know what will.” Well, I’m afraid nothing ever will. The periodic spates of civil war in the outskirts of Paris have done nothing to wake the French up. The London Tube Bombings in 2005 did nothing to wake the Brits up. The Bali bombings did nothing to wake the Aussies up. Only the Spanish were woken up by their Madrid train bombings: they voted socialist (actual socialists).

I read about Americans needing to “wake up.” There is this notion that the mass of Americans will lead us out of this mess, and I’m not buying. Sam Francis dreamed of the Middle American Revolution, and it failed to materialize, even with the Republican congressional victory of 1994. Remember that victory? A memorable one, wasn’t it? Without great leaders the mass will do nothing but follow—perhaps grudgingly, but inevitably—the bad leaders we already have. I suppose there is always the hope that a great man will come seemingly out of nowhere, and the liberals can’t sleep well knowing that that is all it takes to rally many Americans against them. It will have to be out of nowhere, because the entire system is stacked to suppress great men, and to develop weak mediocrities. And all the time the mass of rallyable Americans shrinks.

But the masses doing the leading? The best the masses can do is be an inarticulate mass of inertia making the “progress” of the Left a little slower. Sure, that’s better than nothing.

But if a rally does occur, I believe that even a minority of well-led white Americans can sweep all before them.

LA replies:

In the followup entry, I adopt Gintas’s idea that the country can be saved by a minority of the majority. Indeed it can be saved only by such a minority, since at least half of the white majority are on the other side.

But I think Gintas is overstating his criticism of Jonathan’s point. When Jonathan says, “If articles like this do not wake the average white American up, I don’t know what will,” I don’t think he’s necessarily saying that the waking up of the average white American will by itself save the country; I think he’s saying that such waking up is part of what’s needed and is an essential move in the right direction. Jonathan’s statement was not a dismissal of the need for leadership.

Sebastian writes:

Good evening Lawrence:

In reference to Kilroy’s comment on the insulting article by yet another wise Latina women, let me amend his take on Europe. The fact is that many people in Europe have woken up, even in France. Italy for one has quietly started deporting illegal immigrants and is passing new legislation curtailing immigration and mandating deportation for apprehended immigrant criminals, something no American jurisdiction currently allows, re: California. Polls show immigration is the number one issue and the main reason Berlusconi and Forza stay in power.

In the UK, poll numbers who a similar trend, as the latest EU election results indicate. Across the Continent, right-wing parties have surged. Even in Germany, Merkel, hardly a Pat Buchanan but no Obama either, seems poised to win re-election. Austria has enacted new laws that are sending Brussels into a tail spin. And while the US flirts with granting legal status to the gay partners of immigrants, France has made entry by genuine family members more difficult.

None of this means Europe is on the verge of a counter-revolution. But whenever I travel to Italy and Spain, all I hear are complaints about immigration. I have thought for some time that the U.S. is further down the path of national suicide than Europe. As insulated as the American political class has become, the will of the people still means more here than in formerly aristocratic Europe, and it seems America has chosen, willfully, deliberately and openly, to become a Third World nation, whereas in Europe it has been foisted on them. I think it is America that needs to wake up. It is much easier to convince a liberal that Muslims are a threat to their lifestyle than to explain to an American the chauvinism of Hispanic identity politics—no bombs, no terror—“what’s the problem” they will ask. It is precisely because Hispanics are less dangerous that their immigration is ultimately more dangerous. A ravenous bear is an obvious threat; a vampire, once asked inside one’s home, is deadly—and then it’s too late!

Mark P. writes:

I don’t get this. Can’t these people count?

The “Latino” (really, Mestizo) vote is somewhere between six and eight percent (even less if we exclude voter fraud). Do they really expect to believe this is somehow significant?

LA replies:

You should be asking:

“I don’t get this. Can’t Republican politicians count?”

August 7

Jonathan W. writes:

When you write, “I don’t get this. Can’t Republican politicians count?” are you agreeing with him that Republicans could operate without their support at the present time or implying that the 6-8 percent will swell to a much greater percentage?

LA replies:

I meant that they do not have to be so afraid of the Hispanics, that the Hispanics do not have the decisive power that the GOP thinks they have. If the GOP took a pro-national, anti-immigration stand, the power of the Hispanics would decrease, improving the GOP’s prospects. If the GOP continues to truckle to the Hispanics, the power of the Hispanics will increase, dooming the GOP.

This is not rocket science—except to Republicans under the sway of liberalism.

Mark P. writes:

You should be asking:

“I don’t get this. Can’t Republican politicians count?”

That’s another problem.

That is why the current Republican Party needs to go.

Buck O. writes:

A demonstrably racist Latina women is appointed to the SCOTUS.

It appears that this single event will instill in Latina females something that was apparently lacking in them—since the beginning of their race?

One self-described wise Latina women becomes a SCOTUS justice and finally, a Latina woman and her 11 year old daughter can finally feel some pride.

Just as Michelle Obama, after her husband became POTUS—she, for the first time in her life was proud—to be an American.

It’s a wonderful country that can so quickly turn around whole races of people—just by creating the greatest nation on earth and opening it up to them as their new and long dreamed of venue.

Bill Carpenter writes:

Remember the Alamo. Remember, too, that there were Spanish-speaking Texans who fought with us for the liberty of Texas from Santa Ana’s Mexican dictatorship. Those Texan patriots and heroes were a different breed from the racial nationalists now seeking to fasten the yoke of racial socialism on our outstretched necks.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 06, 2009 07:46 PM | Send

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