Limbaugh and now Mike Gallagher show signs of waking up

In one of the comments posted in the previous entry, Charles T. writes:

Mike Gallagher played the clip [of Obama’s press conference] several more times during this segment and then closed with this: paraphrasing—LOUD VOICE—“So this is what race relations has come down to in America; black men scream loudly and the rest of us are just supposed to jump.” LA has written many times that Black America is at war with the rest of us; but I have never heard ANYONE on the radio say it. Mike Gallagher just said it today. Mike was not being nice during this segment—he was speaking with white hot anger.

LA replies:

“So this is what race relations has come down to in America; black men scream loudly and the rest of us are just supposed to jump.”

That’s it. That’s one of the two complementary sides of it. The first side is anti-whiteness, the devaluation of whites. A white police officer standing at a black’s doorway to investigate a possible break-in is automatically to be seen as a dangerous racist thug and treated accordingly, with utmost suspicion, hostility, and disrespect. The other side of it is the elevation of blackness. Blacks don’t have to follow normal “white” rules; they make the rules; they control reality.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 23, 2009 11:43 PM | Send

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