Locker went to Harlem to see a woman, who with two men tortured and killed him

Meaning that motivational speaker Jeff Locker didn’t die—as the New York Post initially reported yesterday—as a result of allowing strangers in Harlem to approach him and help him with his car, and they then robbed and killed him. He died as a result of setting up a rendezvous with a woman in Harlem, who with two accomplices turned on him and tortured, robbed, and killed him.

In light of the new information, be sure to look again at Locker’s web page where he explains his philosophy of “helping business people create more Peace, Joy and Fulfillment in all areas of their lives,” and showing his clients “how negative energy attracts negative people while positive, passion filled, loving, caring energy attracts positive, passion filled, loving, caring people and results.”

It looks as though Jeff Locker’s particular brand of passion-filled, loving energy wasn’t so good at keeping negative people out of his life. Instead, it brought them into his life, ending his life.

The story is in today’s Post:


A married Christian motivational speaker slain in Harlem this week went to a housing project to meet up with a girlfriend who turned on him and had him robbed and tortured for his bank-card PIN code, sources said yesterday.

Jeff Locker’s gal pal and two of her friends tied Locker’s hands behind his back and wrapped a wire ligature around his neck to force him to talk, police sources said. He was then stabbed seven times.

Cops said Locker’s wallet—which contained a debit card and credit cards—was stolen.

Locker, 52, had left his home in North Woodmere, LI, at 7 p.m. Wednesday to head to a La Quinta Inn in New Jersey, near where he played golf every Thursday morning.

But he never arrived. Instead, police say he went across the RFK/Triborough Bridge more than once before pulling off near the Robert F. Wagner housing project. He called his wife at around 10:15 p.m. to say he had gotten a flat tire and was running late.

Sources said Locker then made a call to an apartment in the building where the woman lived and received a call back from the same number.

Police said Locker bought Trojan condoms and a bottle of water at a local deli at 3 a.m. Thursday—perhaps an hour before he died.

“He pulled up to the curb. He just jumped out, got his s——and bounced. He was nonchalant about it,” said eyewitness Whitney Young, 19.

Cops believe three people—one of whom was the woman he had been seeing—attacked him and tormented him before ending his life.

Locker’s body was discovered at 11:30 that morning with stab wounds to his neck and torso behind the wheel of his 2007 Dodge sedan, parked on Paladino Avenue near East 124th Street.

He leaves behind three kids—two sons, 18 and 14, and a daughter, 10.

“He has affected the lives of hundreds and hundreds of people,” his wife, Lois, said of his work as a corporate motivational speaker who emphasized spirituality.

“You have no idea what I am going through right now. I hope you never have to.”

- end of initial entry -

James N. writes:

Interesting that the Post identifies Jeff Lockyer as a “Christian” motivational speaker. I didn’t see anything on his website that makes me think of Christianity—sounded rather like a new-agey/Oriental hybrid.

LA replies:

From his name, appearance, and New-Agey, therapeutic rhetoric I thought he was Jewish.

James N. replies:

One of the comments at the NY Post website says his daughter’s bat mitzvah was last month.

But the bulk of the Post comments are either racist or condemnation of Christians (“I told you so, they’re all hypocrites”). I wonder why the Post ran with the “Christian motivational speaker” head, which is so obviously wrong?

A. Zarkov writes:

James N. writes: “One of the comments at the NY Post website says his daughter’s bat mitzvah was last month.”

I think the commenter is misinformed. The Post article says Locker has a girl aged 10, which means she’s too young for a Bat Mitzvah, which is generally held at age 12, or in the case of Reform and Conservative Jews, at age 13. Again according to the Post article he has two boys aged 14 and 18, but both of them are too old to have had a Bar Mitzvah, which means one of the boys would have to be 13 now if he had his Bar Mitzvah last month. If the Post got the age of the girl wrong and she’s really 13, then the Lockers would have very close spacing in for their children, and pretty much only the ultra orthodox do that, and clearly Locker is not that, otherwise he would have more than 3 children. Moreover Locker does not sound like a Jewish name. I really don’t think he’s Jewish.

LA replies:

I thought the name was probably Jewish because when you see short names that don’t seem like traditional names they are typically Jewish names, adopted in America.

A. Zarkov continues:

According to the Daily News article Locker does have a 13 year old girl and she did have a Bat Mitzvah a month ago. So the Post got her age wrong, and perhaps the ages of the boys too. [LA replies: I post and discuss the Daily News article here.]

The News also reports East Harlem residents as recognizing both him and his car indicating that his visits were regular, and how much he stood out. I guess I shouldn’t be, but I’m surprised at how naive this man was. I had more sense at 15 than this guy had at 52, I once lived (as an adult) on the southern edge of East Harlem, and I almost never ventured north on foot. I remember once going to 110th Street to get a certified letter at the US Post Office. It was like visiting a foreign country——live chickens for sale on the street. I really stood out as a white guy and I knew it. In fact I was not comfortable even driving through East Harlem. At the time I was working over in (west) Harlem near the Hudson, and always took caution in walking around. Thinking back on those days from my current perspective, I’m outraged at how much white people tolerate what they should regard as intolerable—constant fear for their safety. Now I understand why the South once had an Iron Fist policy towards black crime. The modern liberal mind cannot fathom that there was a degree of rationality behind the Southern treatment of black criminals. For example, virtually no one who ever writes about the Scottsboro boys ever deals with this question. The liberals will make excuses for the brutalities of Communism, but never the South.

Carol Iannone writes:

Thinking of Jeff Locker, I started to think of a kind of funny newspaper headline for a certain kind of article:

Seven Deadly Sins Still Deadly

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 18, 2009 08:22 AM | Send

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