The Great Iranian Hope that Americans are wild about

Leonard K. writes:

Here is the Iranian opposition:

Inside the prayers, worshippers traded competing chants with some hard-liners in the congregation. When the hard-liners chanted “death to America,” Mousavi supporters countered with “death to Russia” and “death to China,” a reference to Ahmadinejad’s alliance with both countries.

You see how “democratic” the opposition is?

Do these people have anything other than death in their minds?

- end of initial entry -

July 20

Rocco DiPippo writes:

Try looking at it like this: When you’re indoctrinated in an ideology that imposes joylessness, and that same ideology promises non-stop sex in the afterlife to its loyal practitioners, then what’s not to like about death?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 17, 2009 09:46 PM | Send

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