Homosexualism, anti-anti-jihadism, and the Nihilism of Destruction

I recommend to readers a post I’ve re-linked from time to time, my brief summary of Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose’s delineation of the four stages of Nihilism. I never cease to be amazed at the brilliance of Rose’s insights, particularly on the Vitalist stage of Nihilism, which make sense of the entire age in which we live.

Note that the entry, written in 2003, was triggered by the legalization of homosexual “marriage” in Massachusetts, and this is what is being referenced in the entry’s title, “Are we entering the final stage of nihilism?”, the final stage being the Nihilism of Destruction. When we consider what the homosexual movement has become in recent years, with its fascist style attacks on anyone who opposes homosexual “marriage,” with people being threatened at their homes by homosexual mobs for supporting traditional marriage, and with Bruce Bawer, an Islam critic and a supposedly thoughtful, intellectual advocate of homosexual rights, seeking to discredit as “evil” and destroy the entire anti-jihad movement because one anti-jihadist made one critical remark about the late Dutch homosexual politician Pim Fortuyn, it would appear that my association of the homosexual rights movement with Eugene Rose’s Nihilism of Destruction was not far off.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 08, 2009 10:02 AM | Send

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