The question that every Islam critic should be asked, redux

The direct, polite question that I posed to John Perazzo of FrontPage Magazine last October, and which he declined to answer or even acknowledge, thus demonstrating the usual uprightness, intellectual honesty, and courage we’ve come to expect from mainstream conservatives, is the question that should be asked of every writer who says that Islam is a terrible threat facing our country.

The question is:

Let’s say you were president of the U.S., and had the support of both Houses of Congress, the people, and the media. What would you do to end this threat to America?

- end of initial entry -

April 26

Charles T. writes:

When you ask this question of any public figure—government, journalist—or otherwise, you will be surprised at their expertise in verbal tap-dancing.

I told my Congressional representative at a town hall meeting last year that the US needed to stop Muslim immigration now. I cited an article from the UK about increased attacks on white Christian clergy by Muslims and other immigrants. I confidently stated the Islamic faith is not compatible with our country. He responded by stating that the Muslims in the US were different from European Muslim immigrants because—glory be—they are assimilating. I responded by talking about Dearbornistan, Michigan, airport footbaths, Muslim female bathing hours at an Ivy League school and told him—no sir, they are not assimilating. He then gave a speech about how it is necessary for the US population to have a shared culture, etc. and some other nice sounding stuff. I wanted to ask him why he did not just say that in the first place. I spoke with him again after the meeting and told him that I continue to conclude that Islam is not compatible with our republic. He told me he was reading material on both points of view concerning the compatibility of Islam with the US. He would not come down on either side.

I cannot tell you how disheartend I was by this meeting. Oh, btw, he is a conservative. I think we need to ask this question of every state/congressional senator and representative in this country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 25, 2009 11:57 AM | Send

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