The question that every Islam critic should be asked (and that very few will answer)

On October 10 John Perazzo had an article at FrontPage Magazine detailing the beliefs and activities of the radical U.S. blacks who have become jihadist Muslims (not Black Muslims, but Muslim Muslims) and have an openly stated agenda of destroying America. As is evident from the article, the worldwide jihadist movement aims at turning disaffected U.S. blacks into a significant fifth column in this country.

I sent him this:

Dear Mr. Perazzo

Re your disturbing article about the virulent black jihadists in the U.S., and the threat of jihadism generally, let me ask you a question.

Let’s say you were president of the U.S., and had the support of both Houses of Congress, the people, and the media. What would you do to end this threat to America?


Lawrence Auster

Perrazo didn’t reply.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 14, 2008 07:25 PM | Send

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