Further thoughts on the Moslem pirates—and their fifth column

Howard Sutherland writes:

Like you, I have been following the stand-off with Somali pirates with great interest, and I am happy to see the U.S. Navy’s SEALs were allowed to do their duty for a change. Excellent post parsing the New York Times story about whether or not B. Hussein Obama, East Africa’s man in the White House, actually ordered the U.S.S. Bainbridge’s skipper to take the pirates out. It’s pretty clear, if you know how to read between the lines, that Obama was restricting the Navy beyond the restrictions already in the standard rules of engagement, not clearing the SEALs to shoot the pirates. So, job well done, Navy, despite your commander-in-chief, not because of him.

As always, looking at what mainstream media coverage of situations like this focuses on and what it ignores tells us a lot about establishment priorities. There is a lot about how the Somali pirates are young, black and poor, inviting us to sympathize with their supposed grievances. There is nothing about how we have stupidly allowed tens of thousands of their brethren to move into our country as “refugees,” and of course nothing about the social disruption they cause and the welfare scamming they engage in once here. There is nothing about how these supposedly random pirates are in fact supported and armed by Iran’s Moslem regime (Caroline Glick discusses that here). And, needless to say, there is nothing at all about the fact that these Somali pirates are all Moslems—as were the Barbary Pirates and so many others before them—and nothing about whether Islam motivates them in any way.

So, as usual, the media decline to inform us about what should concern us, as Americans at home, about this totally predictable phenomenon of Moslem piracy in the Indian Ocean. But it is important to know that the pirates are motivated by Islam, a religious and political system that is relentlessly hostile to America, the West and Christianity, and has been ever since Mohammed dreamed it up. It is just as important to know that the pirates have a fifth column of their countrymen (how many, by the way?) right here in America, who can be relied on to protest (indeed, they already are) any action to suppress Somali piracy, a fifth column that will support, and likely abet, any retaliation within America of the kind Mohamed Hashi Yasin threatens. We might be tempted to laugh off Yasin’s threat as the rantings of yet another towel-head blowhard. But thanks to the U.S. government’s immigration policies, this blowhard already has a beachhead in the United States.

Just more things our liberal rulers want to make sure we don’t start thinking about. HRS

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Jack S. writes:

When I heard the news on Sunday I immediately thought that there was no way Hussein had ordered aggressive action against the pirates. Furthermore I knew that anyone on the right who praised Hussein would be tipping their hand as a fake Conservative. Sure enough, Charles Johnson of LGF immediately took time out from moving to post praise. Meanwhile the media are testing the waters with articles about the “untrained teenagers” that were killed. Soon enough this will morph into charges of disproportionate use of force and call for war crimes tribunals.

The five months since the election have brought no change in the Republican party that shows that they “get it” and intend to differentiate themselves from Democrats. The proposals that party rules would be changed to prevent Democrats from voting in Republican primaries have come to nothing. In Michael Steele the Republicans have an out of the closet Obama supporter leading the party. The inane calls for 37 year “Bobby” Jindal to run for President show that Republicans leaders have more in common with Democrats than they do with conservatives.

I agree with you that the symbolism of Hussein’s deep bow to the Saudi King is deeply shocking. I was immediately reminded of the British soldiers who were beheaded when they refused to kowtow to a local mandarin during the Opium wars. That kind of stiff-upper lip resolve has disappeared from the English speaking peoples. Certain acts speak on a subconscious level bypassing one’s faculties of intellectual analysis. By his deep bow Hussein is saying: this is my master, I owe him the greatest respect and allegiance.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 14, 2009 02:30 PM | Send

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