Times nonchalantly informs us that Obama seeks the redistributiion of wealth

In a March 1 article, “Growing Economic Crisis Threatens the Idea of One Europe,” Steven Erlanger and Stephen Castle in the New York Times report that Europe’s wealthier countries are resisting calls from the poorer countries to extend special aid to them during the current troubles. The article continues:

Europe’s difficulties are in sharp contrast to the American response. President Obama has just announced a budget that will send the United States more deeply into debt but that also makes an effort to redistribute income and overhaul health care, improve education and combat environmental problems.

Notice how Erlanger and Castle casually drop this epochal news about the redistribution of wealth in the middle of other, familiar items about improving education and combating environmental problems. That shows the Times’ vicious, evil Communist mentality. By announcing so offhandedly that this radical new policy, which has nothing to do with getting the country out of the recession, and which Obama has never even proposed before, is already a fait accompli, by declaring in effect that the Democrats are using the economic emergency to sneak their socialist agenda onto the country, they are demonstrating and boasting of their power to do to us as they please. It is a totalitarian mentality, and is the reason the nickname “Pravda on the Hudson” is no joke.

At the Eons website, Old Mike writes:

The article is about the divide between European nations in this time of economic crisis and how some of the countries are in worse shape than others. The EU is struggling with this diversity.

What does that have to do with the US redistributing income? or our healthcare, or our educational system or the environment!

I think the connection the Times is suggesting is that while the wealthier European countries are balking at subsidizing the poorer ones during the economic crisis, Obama is actively embracing the redistribution of wealth. The Times’ subtext is: a truly virtuous society, namely a society led by Barack Obama, embraces socialism without hang-ups and without resistance.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 05, 2009 12:10 PM | Send

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