Proof that existence is mental

Last night, in the thread about the honorary knighthood for Edward Kennedy, I wanted to describe Gordon Brown as the type of creature that is dead but still moves, but I couldn’t think of the word, no matter how hard I tried. So in the entry I said something like, “Brown is, I can’t remember the word at the moment, a creature who is dead but still has motion.” I was hoping a reader might tell me the word.

No more than ten minutes later, I received the following e-mail from Alex K.:

Subject: where are the “There’s Probably No God” signs when you need them?

I saw the word “zombietime” and wrote back to Alex:

Zombie, that’s the word I was looking for. Thanks.

He replied:


But a little later I had a worm of doubt and wrote to Alex again:

Wait—was it just coincidence you sent me this? Or did you see my question in the Gordon Brown discussion? Because by itself the story you sent me has nothing to do with zombies.

This story is something else.

Alex replied:

No, I hadn’t seen the Brown post when I sent this. I just sent it cause of the bus ad itself and the site just happens to call itself zombietime. He’s some neocon guy who usually likes to go to leftist protests and pick out the most egregious stuff.

I replied:

This is unbelievable. I wrote in the Brown entry (which begins with a comment by Howard Sutherland), “What is the word for creatures who are dead but still have motion?” I asked the question because I couldn’t remember the word I was looking for. I was hoping a reader would give me the word I couldn’t remember. And a few minutes later you sent me your e-mail with this link:

“Zombie.” That was the word I was looking for. But now it turns out that you hadn’t seen my question. It was pure serendipity (Jung called it synchronicity) that you sent that.

If that’s not proof that existence and causation are mental, nothing is.

Alex replied:

That’s great. And all due to a rather silly choice of warblogger website name. That’s … what? All things serving their purpose.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 05, 2009 11:39 AM | Send

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