Where are the Bob Dylans who will sing about this injustice?

From an entry in March 2007 about a terrible crime in Britain followed by a slap on the wrist punishment, entitled “The Clockwork Orange Nation”:

So the perpetrators each get approximately a six year sentence, with good behavior down to three years, for turning a 23-year-old man into a vegetable, for destroying his life, for preventing him from ever marrying and having children, for ruining the lives of his parents, and all for nothing, for a whim, for a cruel impulse to hurt and destroy. Where are the troubadours, where are the Bob Dylans, who will sing about this injustice? Who will write a version of “The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll” for Daniel Coffill and his parents? Who will rouse society’s indignation over the casual savagery that Britain’s nonjudgmental culture and justice system have unleashed on innocents? Why do the protest singers only protest when it’s a non-white who is harmed, and a rich or powerful white who has done the harm? How many deaths of whites will it take before we know that too many people have died? Who will enflame the people’s burning moral rage against liberalism?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 27, 2009 08:33 AM | Send

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