Another white murdered in the Caribbean

Sara Kuszak, 35, of Savannah, Georgia, in Puerto Rico on vacation with her fiance and several friends, was jogging alone in the eastern coastal town of Fajardo. A creature named Eliezer Marquez Navedo told police later that when he saw Kuszak, he opened the trunk of his car, waited for her to pass by, then grabbed her and forced her into the trunk. While in the trunk she called for help using her cell phone. But she was found an hour later, stabbed to death. Navedo was found shortly afterward, his clothing soaked in blood.

And it runs in the family:

Marquez’s mother, Ines Navedo, was convicted of slashing the throats of a brother and sister, ages 2 and 3, in 1992, and served seven years in prison before being released on parole with an electronic ankle bracelet for good behavior. She originally was sentenced to 26 years in prison.

If we lived in a just and good society, a society that was not subservient, as ours is, to the evil liberal mandate that NOTHING CRITICAL OF NONWHITES OR PROTECTIVE OF WHITES MUST EVER BE SAID, then every school, news organ, and police department in the land would put out the warning that white people, especially white girls and women, should not go around alone and unprotected in a nonwhite area.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 06, 2009 08:40 AM | Send

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