
Tomorrow I will be leaving for the Preserving Western Civilization conference in Baltimore, where I will be speaking on “A Real Islam Policy for a Real America.” The conference is unique in addressing the following three topics: immigration; race and race differences; and Islam. I hope to keep VFR active over the weekend, with several new entries that are ready to be put online.

- end of initial entry -

February 6

Anthony Damato writes:

Good luck at the PWC conference. I know you will offer many good proposals for actually reversing the cultural vandalism and civilizational decay brought upon us by the evil ones.

Don’t underestimate the effects Emperor Obama’s outright treason will have on waking many to the ugly reality of liberalism.

America and the West will soon realize that the time to take sides is now. That taking sides means rejecting the notion that we belong to the world not to our own heritage and culture. It also means rejecting the liberal value system which is nothing more than a pervision of all that is good and genuine. The imposition of this new system is mind control and propaganda whose evil seems now to be increasingly approaching that described in the last book of the New Testament.

LA writes:

I read Anthony’s comment just after posting the latest entry, where by coincidence I also referred to liberalism as evil.

Also, this was Anthony’s farewell comment to VFR from the U.S. He is moving in a few days to Eastern Europe, but will stay in touch, and, I hope, send us dispatches from time to time.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 05, 2009 09:17 PM | Send

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