
At NRO, Deroy Murdock concludes a blistering summing-up of the departing Bush’s miserable record thus:

His ranch in Crawford, Texas, is the perfect place for G.W. Bush to disappear and never be heard from again.

I share the emotion 100 percent, and agree with most everything in Murdock’s absolutely devastating column.

But, as I’ve said before, if Murdock opposes Bush so intensely, where has he been all these years? To my knowledge, prior to the last few months Murdoch never criticized Bush in anything remotely approaching the terms he now uses. If members of the conservative journalistic establishment (Murdock is a libertarian, but publishes in conservative venues) had issued such passionate, principled denunciations of Bush all along, it might have awakened real opposition to Bush, sort of a super, ongoing anti-Harriet Miers rebellion, forcing Bush to the right, or at least keeping Republicans and conservatives more conservative. As far as I’m concerned, Murdock is one of the legions of establi-cons who remained largely silent and thus were part of the disaster they now denounce.

- end of initial entry -

Gintas writes:

“As far as I’m concerned, Murdock is one of the legions of establi-cons who remained largely silent and thus were part of the disaster they now denounce.”

They’re free to go after Bush, because their full toadying capacity is being used on Obama now.

LA replies:

That’s very funny. Of course there’s no reason to believe that your comment is true of Murdock, but, given the recent “con”-fab at George Will’s house, your comment would seem to be a reasonable statement of where at least some of these people may be heading.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 16, 2009 02:43 PM | Send

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