You’ve got to be carefully taught—to commit racial suicide

As I type, I’m glancing at some grotesque thing on ABC, about the Grinch and Christmas, in which humans interact in brotherhood with a variety of monstrous looking other species, and a little girl has a tender relationship with an unsettlingly hideous but sensitive and kind-hearted being called the Grinch, and everyone loves each other. This is not our society celebrating the beautiful holiday of Christmas. This is the Liberal Controllers of our society carefully teaching children an unnatural and dangerous lie that they would never believe unless they were carefully taught. How many whites will militate against vitally necessary immigration restrictions in the decades to come, how many young white females will be raped and murdered by nonwhites in the decades to come, because of the message of trusting and loving racial aliens that programs like this implant in them?

- end of initial entry -

Peter A. writes:

The “Shrek” movies were an especially blatant case of promoting miscegenation and of emasculating white men.

December 7

Terry Morris writes:

Interesting article. I’ve never really looked at the cartoon in question that way, but it makes sense. I like this line:

This is the Liberal Controllers of our society carefully teaching children an unnatural and dangerous lie that they would never believe unless they were carefully taught.

I like it because it resonates with my view of liberal society and what its education system has wrought on our children. My mother visited us recently and she brought up the fact that my children seem particularly aware of and keen to the dangers surrounding them when compared to average American children. I explained that my wife and I make it a point not to dull their God-given senses. It’s not particularly necessary to inform them pointedly of the dangers which surround them, albeit I’ve used some unusual training techniques to teach them early on that (1) danger is present, and (2) Dad knows best and is trying to protect them from harm. One such technique (which a good liberal would consider mean or abusive) is to place a harmless substance (black pepper shaker with loosened cap) in a low-level kitchen cabinet that as curious toddlers they can reach. Before the pepper shaker is planted, they’re told several times not to go into the cabinet. Then they’re allowed to get into it when they think no one is watching. Invariably they find the pepper shaker, remove the loosened cap, get it on their hands, and you know what happens next—hands go to face, pepper enters eyes. It’s a harsh lesson, but it works.

Hey!, toddlers get themselves into stuff like that all the time without the help of adults. Why not make the most of it?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 05, 2008 10:01 PM | Send

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