Obama’s election energizes Europe’s campaign to dispossess the white race

Jonathan L. writes:

Though I still think you were probably right in predicting that an Obama presidency would in the long run be more beneficial to conservatism than a McCain one, I’m wondering now whether you properly weighed the negative consequences for European conservatism when you said that “if McCain loses, we win.” According to these stories the election of Barack Obama has done nothing less then supercharge the forces of liberalism in Europe, as “mainstream” political parties all over the continent look enviously across the Atlantic and begin plotting to vault aliens and exotics to positions of ultimate authority over their countrymen as well.

Or, to put matters in Steve Sailer’s somewhat crude but nonetheless essentially accurate terms, in the game of white status competition that has been played out across the West over the last 40 years (where white elites prove their moral superiority to one another by continually increasing their patronage of alien minorities), the U.S. has just massively upped the ante, and instead of folding, Germany, France, and Great Britain have gone to liquidate their life savings so as to stay in the game.

Also, in a related vein, I found this quote from German Chancellor Angela Merkel (in the AP article) particularly poignant, as it captures just how inevitable is the transition from right-liberalism (society must open opportunities to minorities) to left-liberalism (society must assure equal outcomes for minorities, and until it has done so it is backward, and therefore unworthy of loyalty):

“In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters last week that because her country is a democracy, “of course we can accommodate candidates with any historical roots.” However, she acknowledged there are very few such candidates, and that her party needs to catch up.”

The transition need not take years; it can happen in the span of a single human heartbeat.

LA replies:

Yes, I’ve seen this too. America elects a nonwhite president in a free election, and what is the statist Europeans’ immediate response? That they must assure the choice of nonwhites for political office! Ironically, even as the Europeans consider us as their model in our election of a nonwhite, they ignore our model of popular elections and seek to get the same result that we got, but through the statist control of society.

Merkel’s response to the Obama election is not the act of a living being, it is the act of a zombie.The countries of Europeans are dead societies led by dead people.

Which brings me back to Jonathan’s question: “I’m wondering now whether you properly weighed the negative consequences for European conservatism when you said that ‘if McCain loses, we win.’” Of course I wasn’t thinking about the Europeans’ possible response to an Obama presidency, I was thinking about Americans’ response. And because America still has LIFE in it, I predicted how LIVING BEINGS would respond to Obama’s election. I did not take into account how European statist zombies would respond to Obama’s election.

Jeremy G. writes:

There is a benefit to an energized European left that seeks more openly to overthrow white nations. Just as you argued that Obama in office would trigger a resurgence in the conservative movement in America as the true nature of the left began to reveal itself more clearly and as whites became more frightened that their existence was genuinely threatened, so too would a more aggressive European left trigger a nationalist response in Europe. And the majority status of whites in Europe is not nearly as reduced (yet) as ours in America.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 13, 2008 11:03 AM | Send

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