Establicons must speak the “I” word, or die

David Frum quotes a conservative correspondent who talks about the insuperable electoral difficulties created for the GOP by the loss of California to the Democrats 15 years ago, and now by the impending loss of other western states as well. However, the writer, showing the automatic deference to liberalism that is part of the blood and bone marrow of every single person without exception living and working in mainstream Western society today, never even slightly, subtly, or by the remotest hint of a soupçon of an implication refers to the reason that California and the Southwest are being lost to the Democrats: the vast increase of the Mestizo/Hispanic population resulting from our non-discriminatory immigration policy of the last 40 years.

Clark Coleman wrote Frum an e-mail about it:

Mr. Frum:

When are mainstream conservative writers such as yourself going to stop being so PC and just come out and state the obvious? The Latin American invasion spells demographic doom for both the GOP and conservatism, and hence for our heritage of ordered liberty under limited government with individual rights, rather than group rights and identity politics. Therefore, conservatives must fight for drastic immigration reform or slowly die out.

Shall we be oh-so-polite and delicate when addressing this issue, gingerly hinting at it and nibbling around the edges of the issue, until the day comes when no conservative candidate has a prayer of putting together 270 electoral votes?

Your correspondent pointed out that Texas, New Mexico, and nearby states will soon go the way of California. That spells doom for our civilization. Your optimism at the end of your November 1 blog entry is poppycock if the demographic trends continue. We will be a Third World hell hole of identity politics and group rights.

At some point, clever columnists and entertaining radio talk show hosts will have to take a stand or watch our heritage be flushed down the toilet. You and other NRO columnists will have to decide whether being acceptable to leftist race baiters by avoiding talk of demographics is more important than conserving our civilization. Is that not what conservatives do, conserve our civilization?

Clark Coleman

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 03, 2008 01:50 AM | Send

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