If our adversaries seek spiritual help, why can’t we?

Clark Coleman writes:

Hindu thought leads to the idea that thinking and chanting and visualizing certain things can cause them to occur, an idea picked up in various forms of New Age religion. Did you know that you can cause (“manifest”) the presidency of Barack Obama by chanting “President Barack Obama” and spending one minute each day visualizing him as president? That is certainly the case, according to a cult-like video put out by supporters of the messiah. The video was since pulled from YouTube, but a copy of it can be seen here.

LA replies:

Ok, let’s chant and visualize each day, “The restoration of Christianity, white Western civilization, and the U.S. Constitution.”

Or, if chanting and visualizing seem too foreign to us, we could pray to God for those things. And if people are squeamish about race and don’t feel comfortable praying for the “white” West, they could pray simply for the West (I’m all for the Big Tent approach to Western survival). They—we—could pray for the West to regain its ideals and its belief in itself. They could pray that the West regains the will to defend itself from unassimilable aliens without and from moral nihilism within.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 03, 2008 12:23 AM | Send

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