Yes, Obama would sign the Fairness Doctrine—but are we sure that McCain would not sign it?

Jeremy G. writes:

It seems to me that one very important reason to vote for McCain would be to prevent passage of the Fairness Doctrine. However, consider that conservative talk radio was instrumental in preventing passage of McCain’s precious amnesty bill. It would certainly be far easier for McCain to be bipartisan with Congressional Democratic majorities on a wide number of issues including amnesty if he didn’t have to contend with outraged conservatives each time. Has anyone considered the possibility that McCain as president would sign a bill restoring the Fairness Doctrine if a Democratic Congress placed it on his desk? Such a move would be highly characteristic of him. It would make him very popular with the New York Times and Congressional Democrats. He would revel in his renewed maverick status. Some of the glow he lost when he defeated Obama would be restored. He would tell conservatives that this is part of the price we must pay to buy off Democratic support for the war on terrorism and defend the country. And the Republican party would be competely ruined, as an added bonus.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 25, 2008 02:57 PM | Send

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