Classic McCain

Andy Barr writes at Yahoo:

John McCain said Tuesday that Barack Obama is “probably ensured” that his association with 1960s radical William Ayers will come up in Wednesday’s debate. “I was astonished to hear him say that he was surprised that I didn’t have the guts” to bring up Ayers, McCain said on KMOX, a St. Louis radio station. “I think he is probably ensured that it will come up this time.”

John McPea-brain, a man less intelligent than George W. Bush, a man who wouldn’t recognize a concept if it hit him in the face, does recognize an affront to his honor. Obama challenged his manhood by saying he didn’t have the guts to bring up Ayers. So McCain will bring up Ayers. Not because Obama, who is on the verge of being elected president of the United States, has spent years of his life participating in, funding, and organizing radical leftist and anti-American causes; oh, no, that’s off-limits, or, rather, that’s beyond McCain’s capacity to grasp. But an insult to John McCain’s’ honor, well, that’s the kind of thing McCain understands and is ready to confront.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 14, 2008 07:46 PM | Send

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