That’s the headline in the New York Post.

The controversial Columbia Teachers College professor whose alleged discovery of a hangman’s noose on her office doorknob triggered national outrage is being fired for plagiarism, school officials said yesterday.

Madonna Constantine, a professor of psychology and education with a focus on racial issues, was informed June 12, and the news was relayed to faculty in a letter yesterday. [cont.]

And the authorities still haven’t found the mysterious person who left the noose on Constantine’s office door. When the school first announced in February that it had found Constantine had committed plagiarism, I wrote:

Ten days ago President Bush, speaking at the White House in honor of “Black History Month,” denounced the recent noose incidents as a sign of “gross injustice” in America. In the audience nodding in pleasure at the president’s remarks was Al Sharpton, the race hustler who 20 years ago orchestated Tawana Brawley’s charge that prosecutor Steven Pagones and several other white man had kidnapped her, raped her for several days, scrawled racist slogans on her body, and left her in a garbage bag covered in feces. The charge, which held New York State captive for a year and was then exposed as a total fraud, was the biggest single race hoax in America in modern times, and Sharpton, though found liable of slandering Steven Pagones, has never repented of his role in it. Thus President Bush not only invited the most famous racism-hoaxer in America to the White House, but, speaking to an audience that included that hoaxer, put his personal seal of approval on the recent noose claims, including the one at Columbia.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 25, 2008 09:25 AM | Send

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