The more the West admits unassimilable immigrants, the more it is blamed for their failure to assimilate

James M. writes from England:

Liberalism is best seen as a suicide cult, as an astonishing article by Jeremy Sare in the Guardian proves:

The figures for educational attainment of Somali students are shameful for a government which prides itself on its commitment to equal opportunities. A survey in south London in 2006 showed just 33% of Somali students passed five GCSEs, compared with 59% for students from other African communities and 80% for Chinese students. If you combine the abysmal unemployment figures for Somali men (IPPR estimates this to be 65%) with substance abuse and growing domestic violence then the picture of social dysfunction is complete.

Somalis are about as far from liberalism as you can imagine: among other aspects of their vibrancy, they practice female genital mutilation. But the response of this liberal is not to question the wisdom of allowing large numbers of this highly un-liberal group into the UK. No, it’s to blame the British government for the way they fail when they’re here. The government is too “patriarchal” in its attitudes to a wife-beating, clitoris-chopping minority, Sare tells us. So the liberal opposes patriarchy, yet is happy to see mass immigration by the most patriarchal groups on earth, including Somalis. What else can you call liberalism but a suicide cult?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 18, 2008 02:05 PM | Send

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