How people (i.e. Democrats) now see (i.e. rationalize and excuse) Obama

Victor Hanson, with surprising insightfulness, has a good, concise summary of how most Americans, or rather most Democrats, view Obama in light of the Wright-Obama matter, and how this will play out in the nomination contest and the election. He says the Democrats have an irrational attachment to Obama and will nominate him regardless of the damage he’s sustained.

Meanwhile, Michael Barone looks at a bunch of polls and says that while Obama was not hurt (among Democrats) by the earlier chapter of the Wright affair, culminating in Obama’s March 18 race speech, which Democrats liked, he has been substantially hurt by Wright’s public coming out and Obama’s repudiation of him over the last week.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 03, 2008 11:11 AM | Send

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