Immigration and the decline of marriage are leading to a leftist future for America

It has been my position for many years that the two main forces threatening our society are mass non-Western immigration from without and the decline and destruction of traditional morality from within. Now it turns out that those same two forces also spell the demise of the Republican party. According to Alan Abramowitz writing at Real Clear Politics, due to nonwhite immigration and the steep decline of marriage rates, the GOP base—married white Christians—has been steadily shrinking as a percentage of the electorate, from over 80 percent in the 1950s to just over 40 percent today. To stay politically competitive, the GOP must reach out to other demographic groups. The problem is that those other groups are notably liberal, meaning that in order to win their votes, the GOP must adopt liberal positions, which would alienate its white married Christian base.

Idiot Republicans. Idiot mainstream conservatives. Idiot neoconservatives. They thought they could transform the American people into a different people, and America would remain the same country, with the same politics, the same philosophy of government, the same freedoms, the same moral ethos, the same shared allegiances, the same identity as a country. If Republicans and conservatives want a recognizable America to survive, not to mention a recognizable Republican party, they must realize the disastrous errors they have made or acceded to in the areas of immigration and culture, and support a radical turnaround.

- end of initial entry -

Mark Jaws writes:

Now you see how unlikely the Auster Majoritarian Reconqista is? The political and cultural elites have transformed America irrevocably. We must now salvage a piece of it or we will fade into demographic demise.

LA replies:

I repeat my previous point that the change in consciousness, the restoration of cultural identity, the organized total resistance to America’s current liberal order, the accumulation and exercise of political power, that would be required to secure a section of America for its formerly unassailable European American majority, could just as well be directed at winning the whole country back for the European American majority.

Mark Jaws could be right in the long run. But I say, why not at least aim at the best possible outcome, involving the survival and restoration of the United States, rather than at a miserable outcome, involving the death of the United States?

Peter A. writes:

This radical turnaround needs to happen soon, as the demographic window of opportunity is closing. It seems to me that if present trends continue, white America will either retreat to a smaller homeland(s) and cede the rest of the continent, or America as a whole will become a Brazil-like entity that bears very little resemblance to the historic United States.

In this Brazil-like country, simple forces of nature will keep shrinking the numbers of white Americans. By that, I mean that while some elites will be able to gate themselves off from miscegenation, most white people won’t. Everybody wants a white girl.

Yes indeed—stupid, stupid Republicans. But historically speaking, did we have a choice? If we miraculously restore the 1950s in every way, won’t we simply repeat the same mistake?

LA replies:

Every time a traditionalist speaks of undoing liberal mistakes, someone says that you can’t go back in time. Of course it’s not a question of literally going back in time. It’s a question, first, of recognizing the mistakes that brought us here, and undoing them in our own thought. And then of beginning to live and to build a politics from that new basis in thought. There has never been a conscious, organized resistance to liberalism. Yet people are ready to give up on our country and civilization without even having attempted such a resistance and seeing where it might lead.

Adela G. writes:

You write: “I repeat my previous point that the change in consciousness, the restoration of cultural identity, the organized total resistance to America’s current liberal order, the accumulation and exercise of political power, that would be required to secure a section of America for its formerly unassailable European American majority, could just as well be directed at winning the whole country back for the European American majority.”

I’m increasingly convinced that left-wing thought is some sort of mental aberration or disorder. People so afflicted do not usually respond positively to treatment, their prognosis is poor. Additionally, I don’t want to live with such people. I consider them American citizens in name only. Their ideology is hateful to me.

Much as I love all of our country from coast to coast, I’d be willing to cede some of it to avoid losing all of it. I already consider large swaths of both coasts “no-go” areas for traditionalists. The ideological taint so pervasive in both the west and east have ruined the natural beauty of both areas for me as irrevocably as strip mining has ruined the natural beauty of the land it plundered.

Mark Jaws writes:

Only a white enclave can provide the educational and economic basis of our renewal. In this post-Rev Wright world, many of us no longer want to live with delusional and violent blacks and Hispanics.

Adela G. writes:

Mark Jaws writes: “Only a white enclave can provide the educational and economic basis of our renewal. In this post-Rev Wright world, many of us no longer want to live with delusional and violent blacks and Hispanics.”

You can add white left-wingers to that list. They are, after all, the ones who started this whole mess.

Also, only a traditionalist white enclave is of any use to us. If you doubt me, just go visit your nearest college town and listen (for as long as you can bear) to the white students.

I moved from a fairly well-known college town to a small traditional town in the same state. The difference is like night and day, with the former dwelling in and perpetuating the darkness of rabid left-wing thought and the latter a haven of safety and sunlight.

LA replies:

I’m all in favor of traditionalists separating themelves from the dominant liberal culture at the local level in order to build a decent way of life for themselves. I don’t think that that necessarily leads to the conclusion that we should give up on the United States as a whole. To the contrary, traditionalist separatism at the local and instititutional level would be necessary to build up traditionalism as a social and political force as a preparation for winning back America. If that effort at national restoration fails, the traditionalist communities built up through local separatism would still exist and could be directed toward the larger separatism that Mark Jaws and Adela favor.

Mark Jaws writes:

There is one silver lining to the dark clouds of a leftist future—economic downturn. Marxist redistributionist schemes can never work here. Many whites may see come to see the light once their wallets have been emptied.

LA replies:

Yes, primarily because of the improvident and disorderly behavior of much of the black and Hispanic population, making socialist schemes such as nationalized health care prohibitively expensive. It’s amazing but deeply indicative of liberal thought processes to see Hillary Clinton advocating both nationalized health care and the legalization of all illegal aliens. Her position reveals that the logical end of liberalism is not nationalized health care, but internationalized health care, and ultimately a single global government providing equally for the physical and psychological needs of all humanity.

Tim W. writes:

The future doesn’t look pretty for the GOP or the nation. Back in 1986 Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone touched off a typical media frenzy when he suggested the black, Puerto Rican, and Mexican populations in America pulled down our average IQ. The truth is, Japan, South Korea, and above all China have large, even enormous, populations with high average IQs. China, which has abandoned Maoist socialism, will probably graduate more honor students each year than we graduate students, period. While the populations of those countries are devoting resources to research and innovation, our resources will increasingly be siphoned off to support our “diverse” population. We can see this happening already in California.

Mark Jaws writes:

Another silver lining is that whites being born today are more likely to come from traditionalist homes, such as mine, in which homeschooling takes place. My four children are taught my values.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 03, 2008 09:52 AM | Send

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