Unbelievable—Obama has repeated the insult

This is reported in today’s Washington Times:

At a campaign stop last night in Terre Haute, Ind., Mr. Obama addressed the San Francisco remarks, but repeated their essence and tried to turn the furor into a basis for criticizing the other two candidates’ stances on economic issues.

“Look, they’re frustrated. And for good reason. Because for the last 25 years, they’ve seen jobs shipped overseas, they’ve seen their economies collapse,” Mr. Obama said.

“Of course they’re bitter and of course they’re frustrated. You would be too … the same thing is happening all across the country,” he said, noting that people then “don’t vote on economic issues because they don’t expect anybody is going to help them. And so they end up voting on issues like guns … on issues like gay marriage and they take refuge in their faith.”

This is reminiscent of when President Ford in his debate with Jimmy Carter made that off-the-wall comment that Poland was not under the domination of the USSR, and one of the reporters, seeing that Ford has misspoken, asked him the question again so as to give him the opportunity to correct himself, and Ford, still clueless, repeated the misstatement, sinking himself. But this incident is far worse. Ford has a legitimate meaning he was clumsily trying to get at, which was that he did not accept that Poland was destined to remain under Soviet domination forever. But Obama has repeated his unambiguous statement that white people in Pennsylvania only oppose homosexual marriage and believe in gun rights and believe in God because they’re in (supposed) economic despair. Meaning, give people money, and they’ll support homosexual marriage, they’ll accept the elimination of gun rights, and they’ll stop believing in God. And he repeated these incredibly condescending remarks, after Hillary Clinton and John McCain attacked him for making condescending remarks.

As one of the L-dotters said, as long as Obama uttered vague smiley-face generalities, he avoided mistakes, but as soon as he began to say specific things, he revealed himself as a hopelessly out-of-touch elitist. He’s Michael Dukakis with charm and uplifting rhetoric..

Are the Democrats really going to go ahead and nominate this guy?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 12, 2008 02:40 PM | Send

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