India and Pakistan

Here are three very insightful and useful explanations of India’s Muslim problem by VFR’s Indian reader living in the West. They were posted between 2005 and 2007. I particularly recommend the first entry, in which ILW lays out with maximum clarity what the Hindus do, what the Hindus must do, in order to keep their 150 million strong Muslim population from launching jihad against them: in response to any act of Muslim violence against Hindus, the Hindus must kill far more Muslims. The readiness to employ brutal violence is the terrible price that must be paid for living in the same country with a large Muslim population.

India and Pakistan: why the mass killings occurred
The anti-national liberalism at the core of Indian national identity
A brief summary of the origins and character of Pakistan

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2008 07:38 PM | Send

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