The Great Global Warming Hoax?

A major article on the issue that the left—with the help of John McCain—is using to justify the inauguration of global government and the shut-down of industry. Unfortunately, the author, James A. Peden, is something of a pompous ass, making constant references to how smart his readers must be to be reading him, and even speaking of how smart he is, boasting that he has a Mensa-level IQ (can you imagine anything so immature in a professional scientist?).But the article, of which I’ve read parts, has a lot that is of interest. Rhetorically, the piece is to man-made global warming what the chapters on evolution in Ann Coulter’s Godless are to Darwinism: a total, merciless dismissal. Peden says the scientists who got on the man-made global warming crusade are now looking for ways to save their careers.

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Alex H. writes:

It is a hoax, and also the next stage of Marxism. The collectivists have expanded their ambitions beyond seizing just the means of production—now they want to control the means of consumption, too.

One day in the car, after hearing yet another climate propaganda piece on the radio, my wife—who is an African Studies major, and a huge lefty—surprised me by blurting out: “They’re witch doctors!” From her coursework, she spotted the political technique immediately: social control via manipulation of superstition.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2008 08:05 PM | Send

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