Henninger on Spitzer

Daniel Henninger writing in the Wall Street Journal sees Eliot Spitzer’s rise and fall as symptomatic of modern society’s embrace of the unrestrained, self-aggrandizing self. I think this is correct. Henninger says that individual and collective virtue depends on having a sense of limits. I think this is correct. But Henninger as a Wall Street Journal opinion writer actively pushes an unlimited view of America, an America no longer defined by borders and historical national identity but open to and essentially identical with all of humanity. In order to have a stable moral order, we need a stable and cohesive social order, but the latter is destroyed by the wide-open immigration that the Journal so aggressively promotes. Open-borders globalists like Henninger are thus the last people in the world to be preaching a sense of moral limits. Physician, heal thyself.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 13, 2008 01:49 PM | Send

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