Charen on Obama’s racial identity

Mona Charen has read Barack Obama’s 1995 book Dreams from My Father, and finds it disquieting:

Obama is the product of a union between a white Kansan and a black Kenyan who met in Hawaii. I had assumed, before reading his memoir, that Obama viewed himself as a natural bridge between the races and that his message of unity sprang in part from his biology. That was wrong. From his earliest years, Obama engaged in a preoccupying internal struggle to make himself a fully authentic black man.

But in fairness to Obama, isn’t it possible that, given his complicated background, he needed to forge a livable identity for himself, as a black man, in order to be secure enough to become the politician he is, one who does not make race central, as other black politicians do?

This is not, by the way, to give Obama a pass for his race-consciousness-charged wife and his anti-white pastor (see the latest on Rev. Jeremiah Wright). In my view Obama’s membership in that anti-American racist church should disqualify him as a candidate for the presidency. But of course the corrupt lying Hillary and the open-borders traitorous McCain should also be disqualified as candidates for the presidency. We have the choices we have.

Update: By coincidence, I just checked out Powerline and they are (albeit in their understated way) calling on Obama to explain his association with his America-hating pastor, who married Obama and his wife and baptized their daughters, and whom Obama still describes as his spiritual guide. It is totally unacceptable that Obama has been given a pass on this matter. But it is also totally unacceptable that McCain, who sought like an anti-American dictator to ram an open borders bill through the U.S. Senate without a debate and who smears as “bigots” and “xenophobes” everyone who disagrees with him on the issue, should be the Republican nominee. The fact that Obama is disqualified for the presidency doesn’t make McCain qualified for the presidency.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 13, 2008 12:33 PM | Send

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